Special Event in Los Angeles at
Quentin Tarantino's New Beverly Cinema!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

11:59pm - ROCKULA (1990) Directed by Luca Bercovici
Containing: Dean Cameron, Toni Basil, Thomas Dolby, Bo Diddley

DEAN CAMERON (Chainsaw in SUMMER SCHOOL) will be attending
IN PERSON & holding a Q&A before this hi-larious underrated Vampire musical comedy which predates BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER by 2 years! Hosted by Jesse Hawthorne Ficks. Not Available On DVD! Preceded by other Dean Cameron trailers!
RARE 35mm print! 87 minutes.

Admission is ONLY $7.00

UPCOMING     |     PAST MIDNITES     |     THE MANIAC     |     PRESS