FRIday, AUGUST 8, 2008
at The Castro Movie theatre in San Francisco, CA.

7:30pm - RETURN TO OZ (1985)
Directed by Walter Murch, Containing: Fairuza Balk, Piper Laurie

For anyone who didn't get to be absolutely traumatized by this so-called "kids" film on the big screen, here's your chance! Director Walter Murch (the editor of APOCALYPSE NOW) pits Dorothy (Fairuza Balk) against electro-shock therapy, a horryifying gang called the "Wheelers" and a terrifying wicked witch named Mumby who has a collection of heads that she can try on for size anytime she wants. This disturbing and wildly inventive sequel was one of the first films (along with INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM) to force the MPAA into creating a PG-13 rating. Come watch the first screening in San Francisco since it was unrightfully dismissed, over 20 years! Beautiful 35mm print. Preceded by other kreepy-kids-flix trailers.

Playing with...

9:45pm - BEETLEJUICE (1988) -
Directed by Tim Burton
Containing: Winona Ryder, Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Michael Keaton

Tim Burton's updating of the 1937 Cary Grant vehicle TOPPER, balances gruesome humor, bittersweet love and wacky antics to boot! Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis flawlessly play the newly-deads, while Michael Keaton's raunchy and schizophrenic dirty-old-man performance along with Winona Ryder's spot-on estranged goth-teen, gives this laugh-fest a lasting intelligence that is just begging to be seen with a packed, jovial crowd! Beautiful 35mm print. Preceded by a handful of 80s trailers.

Playing with...

11:59pm - MEET THE FEEBLES (1989)
Directed by Peter Jackson, Containing: The Cast of Spluppets = (Splatter Puppets)

Long ago, in a time before THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy, New Zealand director Peter Jackson created this truly freaky Muppet-esque fantasy film that left audiences shocked and offended. Low-budget and mean-spirted in all the best ways, these puppets use heroin, make porn in the basement, contract HIV, in fact... you name they do it! Yet nothing will prepare you for the climatic amount of blood and guts that a machine gun toting, pissed off female hippo can achieve. This homemade horror flick proves why Jackson is one of the most inventive filmmakers of our time. Do not miss this RARE 35mm print. Preceded by other fucked-up fantasy trailers. Don't say I didn't warn you!

COME ON PEOPLE...$10 for ALL three FILMS!

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